msc group project
Multidisciplinary team
Visual communication with client
During this project we created a vision on the workspace of the future for a client that produces height-adjustable tables. We did trend analysis, created personas, customer journeys, organised a co-creation session with the client, and prototyped and tested.

Our deliverable ended up to be a roadmap with three horizons. Every horizon (year) was made concrete by a feasible product that was ready to be implemented. Our last horizon consisted of a more utopic and futuristic concept, which interests me the most.

My main roles in this group project were to communicate with the client (and create the visual communication such as a mid-term poster and report), and keeping the project human-centered.

During this project we were invited to visit the R&D team and factory in Malaysia. I have learned a lot about company structures and the cultural differences that could exist within a company.